How were the 1920's a decade of political, technological, economic and cultural change?
- Log into NoodleBib, select MLA Advanced, then name your project.
- Research your topic by starting with the database Student Resources in Context.
- From the results page, concentrate your efforts on the Reference articles or if you are researching a person, focus on the Biography articles.
- If you have a large number of results, limit them (right-side of page) by the subject and source type (topic overview, event overview, etc.)
- Enter the citations for each article that you use into NoodleBib by using the Quick Cite feature.
- Copy the citation at the bottom of the database article
- In NoodleBib, select database, then reference article. Next, paste the citation into the top white box. Click Submit at the bottom of the page
- Enter the citations as you go along. Don't wait for another day.
- Locate additional information in reference books and other books listed on the 1920s Resources page or by using the library catalog.
- The library staff will be glad to make free photocopies of an article or image from a reference book since they cannot be signed out.
- Locate images or pictures that highlight your research using a database such as Student Resources in Context, a book, or a website. Don't forget to cite the pictures/images in NoodleBib. Ask for assistance if you need it.