American History (ABC-Clio)This link opens in a new windowIncludes more than 16,000 primary and secondary sources, including government and court documents, photos, maps, audio and video recordings, along nearly 3,300 biographies of famous political and military figures. Cite as Original Content in NoodleBib.
Gale in Context: High School (Gale)This link opens in a new windowCovering most subject areas, it includes articles from reference books, magazines and newspapers, primary sources, criticism, audio and video clips, websites, etc.
Ebsco's ExploraThis link opens in a new windowCovering many topics, the interface for this database of magazine, newspaper and journal articles is designed for high school students.
Ebsco's Academic Search PremierThis link opens in a new windowA college level database of 4,650 journals covering many subjects
Britannica School OnlineThis link opens in a new windowMade for today’s digital classroom, with extensive, up-to-date information sources.
Allows students to move easily to material of higher or lower reading levels as needed. The content is reliable, age-appropriate, updated continuously and closely correlated to all curriculum standards,
Encyclopedia of World BiographyPresents brief biographical sketches which provide vital statistics as well as information on the importance of the person listed. 17 v.
Call Number: 920 ENC
American National BiographyContains alphabetically arranged articles that provide biographical information about men and women whose lives and careers have influenced the course of American history, focusing on the key achievements of individuals who died before 1996; each with a descriptive bibliography.
Call Number: 920.073 AME
Dictionary of American History
Call Number: 973.03 DIC
UXL Encyclopedia of U. S. History, 8 v.Introduces the timeline of America: its founders, key historical figures, wars, events, political environment, economy, and culture.