1920s Research Assignment
For this project, you will be researching a topic within the decade of the 1920s and will be completing an annotated bibliography. You will also be participating in an online discussion to share and discuss your research and ideas.
You will be using Student Resources in Context (Gale) and World History: Modern Era (ABC-Clio) databases, print resources and authoritative websites to conduct your research.
What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. For this assignment our annotations will do the following:
Block 2
9 Required Sources for the annotated bibliography:
After you complete your research you will be completing an online discussion of the themes found in your research.
You will post your response on the following blog:
Mrs. Thomson's Blog Block 2
Your response should reflect analysis of the sources read and a clear explanation of the following question: How was the 1920s a decade of change?
Response Guidelines
Using multiple historical contexts, students will analyze the connection between ideologies and human behavior due to changing demographic patterns, civic ideals, and the role of government.
Power & Wealth
Using multiple historical contexts, students will analyze the recurring social tension caused by differences in power, wealth, and influence, as well as critique successful and unsuccessful attempts to resolve these issues. #1
Essential Question: How was the 1920s a decade of political, technological, economic and cultural change?
Description: For this project, you will be researching a topic within the decade of the 1920’s and will be completing an annotated bibliography. You will also be participating in an online discussion using a blog format.
4 Required Sources for the annotated bibliography:
Due: At the end of class on Friday, 11/20
Online Discussion:
After you complete your research you will be completing an online discussion of the themes found in your research. Your response should answer the essential question: How was the 1920s a decade of change? (political, technological, economic, and cultural change)
You will post your response on the following blog: http://ushistoryfound.blogspot.com/
Initial Posting Due: Monday 11/23 & follow up postings due 11/24