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U.S. History: 1920s Research Assignment - Mrs. Thomson

Mrs. Thomsons U.S. History

1920s Research Assignment


For this project, you will be researching a topic within the decade of the 1920s and will be completing an annotated bibliography.  You will also be participating in an online discussion to share and discuss your research and ideas.

Assignment: Part 1 - Annotated Bibliography

You will be using Student Resources in Context (Gale) and World History: Modern Era (ABC-Clio) databases, print resources and authoritative websites to conduct your research.

What is an annotated bibliography?

An annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. For this assignment our annotations will do the following:

  • Summarize: Includes the title and author of the book/article. What topics are covered? What are the main arguments? What is the author’s purpose in writing this piece (what do they want the reader to think or understand)?
  • Reflect: Once you've summarized a source, discuss how it fits into your topic of study on the 1920’s. How does the information you found relate? How was the source you found useful to your topic?

Block 2

          9 Required Sources for the annotated bibliography:

  • 2 reference articles from the databases
  • 1 newspaper or magazine article from the databases
  • 2 web based sources (authoritative) - use a web evaluation checklist if needed
  • 1 print reference article from the media center
  • 1 other book source from the media center
  • 1 primary source image
  • 1 primary source

Assignment: Part 2 - Online Discussion

After you complete your research you will be completing an online discussion of the themes found in your research.

You will post your response on the following blog:

          Mrs. Thomson's Blog Block 2

Your response should reflect analysis of the sources read and a clear explanation of the following question:  How was the 1920s a decade of change? 

Response Guidelines

  • Provide an answer to the question with evidence from research and the textbook
  • Offer insights on the significance of the sources used and their usefulness and what clues it gives about the 1920s as a decade.
  • Your response should be a minimum of two paragraphs
  • Provide a response to three classmates’ posts.  You can do one of the following in your follow up posts.
    • Make connections between their research and your own
    • Respond to their posts and pose your own questions
    • Provide additional information/insight on their topic

Competencies & Rubric


Using multiple historical contexts, students will analyze the connection between ideologies and human behavior due to changing demographic patterns, civic ideals, and the role of government.

Power & Wealth

Using multiple historical contexts, students will analyze the recurring social tension caused by differences in power, wealth, and influence, as well as critique successful and unsuccessful attempts to resolve these issues. #1

Assignment Sheet - Block 2 (printable)

Annotated Bibliography Step-by-Step

  1. Log into NoodleBib.
  2. Open another tab and go to the Media Center home page.
  3. Click on the Research Guides tab at the top of the page.
  4. In the Databases box, click on Student Resources in Context.
  5. Find one reference article for your topic
    • Remember to search by keyword, then limit your results by Document Type and Subject.
  6. Read the article and then cite it using NoodleBib
    • Choose Database from drop-down menu-> select Reference Source -> Quick Cite (to copy & paste citation)
  7. Scroll to the bottom of the citation page and summarize the article (4-6 sentences) in the annotation box.
  8. Next, reflect upon why this article is relevant to your topic and add your reflection (4-6 sentences) to the annotation box.
  9. Repeat steps 3-7 for a print reference article. (Refer to the 3 lists of reference books on the 1920 Resources page.)
  10. Repeat steps 3-7 for a magazine or newspaper article. (You may use EBSCO's Explora or Academic Search Premier if you prefer.)
  11. Go to Google and find a RELIABLE and VALID source relating to your topic. Repeat steps 4-7 for a web based source
  12. Continue with the same procedure for the remaining required sources.
  13. Once you’ve completed your annotation and cited your source, click “submit.”
  14. Export your NoodleBib works cited page to Microsoft Word.
  15. Lastly, make sure your name, the date, and the class are typed into your works cited page and print.

Block 1 Assignment

Essential Question:  How was the 1920s a decade of political, technological, economic and cultural change?

Description:  For this project, you will be researching a topic within the decade of the 1920’s and will be completing an annotated bibliography.  You will also be participating in an online discussion using a blog format.

4 Required Sources for the annotated bibliography:

  • 2 reference articles from Student Resources in Context and/or World History: Modern Era databases
  • 1 web based source other than a database (authoritative)
  • 1 print reference article from the media center

        Due: At the end of class on Friday, 11/20

Online Discussion:

         After you complete your research you will be completing an online discussion of the themes found in your research. Your  response should answer the essential question:  How was the 1920s a decade of change? (political, technological, economic, and cultural change)

          You will post your response on the following blog:

          Initial Posting Due: Monday 11/23 & follow up postings due 11/24